Using the Coverity CLI 6 min
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Analyzing Code Using the Coverity CLI
Course 5 of 9 in Coverity Getting Started for Build Engineers
This micro course will show you how to get started capturing and analyzing code using the new simplified Coverity CLI.
This micro course will show you how to use the new simplified Coverity CLI to auto-capture and analyze code. The new Coverity CLI enables teams to easily generate analysis results often without needing to understand or set up a special build environment for each codebase. This course will walk you through using the new Coverity CLI so you know exactly what to expect before you start the process yourself.
ENVIRONMENT: Coverity 2023.6
KEYWORDS: Coverity CLI, Static Analysis, build, scan, list, guide, Learning, elearning, e-learning, course, ecourse, e-course, training, e-training, self-paced