Models 7 min
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Coverity: Using Models to Improve Analysis
In this course, you will learn how you can use models to give more information to Coverity and improve your analysis results.
In this course, you will learn how you can use models to give more information to Coverity and improve your analysis results helping to eliminate false positives and false negatives. It is intended for Coverity Admins, DevOps, and Security personal with enough knowledge of the codebase to be able to provide additional information to the analysis. Models are not normally needed for false positives but can be very helpful if you have a recurring issue with a particular type of issue.
KEYWORDS: Coverity, Function Models, User Models, Derived Models, cov-collect-models, cov-make-library, false positive, false negative, improve analysis, Learning, elearning, e-learning, course, ecourse, e-course, training, e-training, self-paced