Coverity | Managing Views with REST API (Recording, Slides and Q&A)
Coverity | Managing Connect with cov-manage-im CLI (Recording, Slides and Q&A)
Coverity | Managing Connect with Web Services API

Webinar Trilogy - Programmatic Access to Coverity Server
Recording and Slides for Download
Coverity Platform (a.k.a. Connect) Server enables users to perform many central tasks, from managing projects, streams, access privileges to viewing and working with analysis results -- security vulnerabilities and quality issues. The Connect Web UI is the primary interface by which most users visually perform these functions. Yet, there are many instances where it is preferable to perform these tasks in batch from the command line or to automate repetitive ones in scripts, which interact with the server programmatically. This webcast trilogy will cover the most common programmatic approaches: Coverity REST API, cov-manage-im and Coverity Web Services API.