Black Duck Binary Analysis: Custom Data and Custom Data Templates
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Black Duck Binary Analysis: Custom Data and Custom Data Templates
Course 11 of 14 in Black Duck Binary Analysis Essentials
This course is a quick walkthrough on the Custom Data feature in BDBA.
Custom Data is a method of categorizing and grouping your scanned binaries. You can apply the feature before you even upload any binary files and assign custom data to certain binary files. This micro-course walks you through how custom data and custom data templates are used in BDBA.
Product: BDBA
Version shown: 2022.3
Users: Administrator, user
Deployment: On-Prem, Hosted
Keywords: Learning, elearning, e-learning, course, ecourse, e-course, training, e-training, self-paced, guide, walkthrough, BDBA, Black Duck Binary Analysis, custom data, template, branch, app, key, value, development version, group, automate, categorize, details