Code Sight Configuration
Course Complete!

Code Sight Configuration for Coverity Users
This course will help you learn to configure Code Sight so that you can access advanced features and make use of the tool in non-default configurations
This course will help you learn to configure Code Sight to work with Coverity so that you can access advanced features and make use of the tool in non-default configurations. It is recommended that one member of each team using Code Sight or someone from DevOps take this course so that they can distribute customized configuration files. In addition, as an optional lesson, this course provides some basic troubleshooting information.
Version: 2021.01
User Role: Developer
KEYWORDS: Code Sight, Codesight, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Coverity, Setup, Learning, elearning, e-learning, course, ecourse, e-course, training, e-training, self-paced, troubleshooting, debug. logs, setup. Config, Configure