Black Duck Binary Analysis: API Fetch for Docker Registry and Custom Data
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Black Duck Binary Analysis: API Fetch for Docker Registry and Custom Data
BDBA supports API fetch for Docker Registry, and this course walks through the steps and different options available.
When using Black Duck Binary Analysis (BDBA) in your organization, you can use the API to download and scan remote files. One of the newest additions is the API Fetch for Docker Registry. With the correct syntax, you are able to define the used BDBA instance, your group, username, and the image from Docker Registry without opening your browser. By default, the Docker Registry API Fetch downloads the latest release, but you can use Docker tags to define other versions as well. It is easy to automate container scanning by using the API.
Another improved feature is the Custom Data you can add for the scan results. This feature has existed with API usage, but now you can use the custom data in the UI as well. You are able to define a key and value, which can be used to group scanned binaries together in BDBA.
Black Duck Binary Analysis 2019.12 or newer
Users: Power user, User, Basic user
Hosted or Appliance
Keywords: Learning, elearning, e-learning, course, ecourse, e-course, training, e-training, self-paced, BDBA, API, Docker, Fetch, Custom Data, API Endpoint, Docker-Registry, Tags, Layers